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Rice collection

Code: 91484
This collection includes 28 chapters that cover both the individual crop and key steps in the value chain for crop cultivation, from breeding to harvest.

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A selection of chapters in this collection:
Understanding agroecosystems and pest management: from chemical control to integrated biodiversity management: Keizi Kiritani, formerly National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan
Advances in irrigation techniques for rice cultivation: D. S. Gaydon, CSIRO Agriculture, Australia
Advances in molecular breeding techniques for rice: R. B. Angeles-Shim and M. Ashikari, Nagoya University, Japan
Advances in understanding the role of rice in nutrition: Melissa Fitzgerald, University of Queensland, Australia; Adoracion Resurreccion, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines; and Julie Pua Ferraz, Diabetes Foundation Marikina and Calamba Doctors’ Hospital, The Philippines
Breeding green super rice (GSR) varieties for sustainable rice cultivation: Z. Li, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China; and J. Ali, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines
Breeding strategies to improve rice yields: an overview: K. K. Jena and G. Ramkumar, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines
Control of rodent pests in rice cultivation: P. R. Brown, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Australia; B. Douangboupha, National Agricultural and Forestry Research Institute, Lao PDR; N. M. Htwe, International Rice Research Institute, Myanmar; J. Jacob, Julius Kühn Research Institute, Germany; L. Mulungu, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania; N. T. My Phung, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam; G. R. Singleton, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines and University of Greenwich, UK; A. M. Stuart, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines; and Sudarmaji, Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dry-seeded and aerobic cultivation of rice: T. Parthasarathi, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; M. Kokila, D. Selvakumar, V. Meenakshi and A. Kowsalya, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India; K. Vanitha, Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India; A. Tariq, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; A. Surendran, Rutgers University, USA; and Eli Vered, Netafi m Irrigation Ltd, Israel
Improving photosynthesis in rice: from small steps to giant leaps: R. F. Sage, University of Toronto, Canada; and Shunsuke Adachi and Tadashi Hirasawa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Integrated pest management for sustainable rice cultivation: a holistic approach: F. G. Horgan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia