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Dynamic models for addressing complexities of nitrogen management in maize production

Code: 9781835450949
Harold M.van Es and Jeff Melkonian, Cornell University, USA; and Rebecca Marjerison, Yara North America, USA

Chapter synopsis:

Among essential crop nutrients, nitrogen is the greatest management challenge due to highly dynamic transformations and losses. Applied N rates may be insufficient for optimum yields, or substantially exceed crop needs. The latter results in water, climate, energy and air pollution concerns, especially with maize (Zea mays L.) production. The economic optimum N rate is impacted by several features of a production environment, including inherent soil and climate characteristics, weather, agronomic management, and economic/risk factors. Conventional N calculators for maize are static, generalized and inherently imprecise. Adaptive maize N management in the 4R context can be supported by dynamic simulation models that incorporate the complexities of production environments and weather. As a case study, the Adapt-N technology is discussed with features on critical factors affecting N dynamics and the estimation of an EONR for maize production environments.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2024.0135.14

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Table of contents
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Nitrogen management complexity
  • 3 Improved nitrogen rate prediction technologies
  • 4 Case study: Adapt-N
  • 5 Conclusion
  • 6 Conflicts of interest
  • 7 References

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