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Optimising pig herd health and production

Code: 9781786768834
Edited by: Professor Dominiek Maes, Ghent University, Belgium and Professor Joaquim Segalés, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and IRTA-CReSA, Spain

Whilst it can mean enhanced biosecurity, intensive and globalised pig production (based on a narrowing genetic base) also potentially increases the risk of disease and its spread. It has been estimated that diseases can lower pig production efficiency by 10-15%, though financial losses can be much greater.

Optimising pig herd health and production highlights the need to develop more preventative measures that can be implemented to tackle the increasing threat of disease. The book addresses recent developments in disease prevention, focussing on how farmers and producers can utilise feed management and housing to optimise pig health, as well as the role of vaccine development in preventing the onset of endemic and emerging diseases in pigs.

Through highlighting the importance of understanding and identifying disease, the book showcases how our understanding of the mechanisms of transmission for some of the key porcine viral and bacterial diseases can be applied to optimise pig herd health and production.

Key Features

  • Summarises the wealth of research on optimising pig herd health for increased protection against major diseases, including ASF and PRRS
  • Reviews recent advances in understanding gut function and immunity in pigs, including the development of nutritional strategies to boost immune function and resistance to disease
  • Explores key challenges facing pig production, including breeding disease resistant pigs with a narrowing genetic base and the development of fungicide resistance
Table of Contents

Part 1 Understanding and identifying disease
1.Advances in understanding mechanisms of porcine viral disease transmission/epidemiology: Joaquim Segalés, Departament de Sanitat i Anatomia Animals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) and OIE Collaborating Centre for the Research and Control of Emerging and Re-Emerging Pig Diseases in Europe (CReSA-IRTA), Spain;
2.Understanding and identifying bacterial disease in swine: Dominiek Maes, Filip Boyen and Freddy Haesebrouck, Ghent University, Belgium;
3.Improving disease surveillance and monitoring systems in pig herds: Alejandro Ramirez, University of Arizona, USA;
4.Surveillance on swine farms using antemortem specimens: Berenice Munguía-Ramírez, Betsy Armenta-Leyva, Luis Giménez-Lirola, Chong Wang and Jeffrey Zimmerman, Iowa State University, USA;

Part 2 Understanding immunity and disease resistance
5.Advances in understanding the development of immune function in pigs: Lorenzo Fraile, University of Lleida, Spain;
6.Advances in understanding gut function and immunity in pigs: Bert Devriendt, Ghent University, Belgium;
7.Nutritional strategies to boost immune function in pigs: Glen W. Almond, North Carolina State University, USA; and Sara D. Hough, DSM Nutritional Products, USA;
8.Host–pathogen interactions and genetic tools for resistance to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: Raymond (Bob) Rowland, University of Illinois, USA;

Part 3 Disease prevention
9.On-farm strategies for preventing pig diseases: improving biosecurity: Jeroen Dewulf and Dominiek Maes, Ghent University, Belgium;
10.Managing feed to optimize pig health: Sam Millet, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), Belgium; and Nadia Everaert, TERRA Teaching and Research Centre, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Liège University, Belgium;
11.Managing housing and stocking density to optimize health, welfare and production in pig herds: Isabel Hennig-Pauka and Alexandra von Altrock, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany;
12.Advances in the development and use of vaccines for prevention of endemic diseases in pigs: Enric Mateu, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Ivan Díaz, Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA, IRTA-UAB) and OIE Collaborating Centre for the Research and Control of Emerging and Re-Emerging Swine Diseases in Europe (IRTA-CReSA), Spain; and Gerard Martín-Valls, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain;
13.Advances in developing vaccines for emerging diseases in pigs: Francisco Javier Martinez Lobo, University of Lleida, Spain;

Part 4 Optimising health through the life cycle
14.Optimizing the health of gilts and sows during pregnancy and parturition: S. Björkman, C. Oliviero and O. A. T. Peltoniemi, University of Helsinki, Finland;
15.Optimising the health of weaned piglets: Andrea Luppi, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna (IZSLER), Italy;
16.Optimising the health of finisher pigs: Edgar Garcia Manzanilla, Pig Development Department, Teagasc, The Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority, Ireland;