Table of ContentsPart 1 Determinants of behaviour
1.Advances in understanding the genetics of pig behaviour: Lotta Rydhmer, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden;
2.Developmental influences on pig behaviour: Giuliana Miguel-Pacheco and Yolande M. Seddon, University of Saskatchewan, Canada;
Part 2 Management of behaviour in different production stages
3.Optimising pig welfare in breeding and gestation: Paul H. Hemsworth, University of Melbourne, Australia;
4.Optimising sow and piglet welfare during farrowing and lactation: Emma M. Baxter, Animal Behaviour and Welfare Team, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Research Group, SRUC, UK; and Sandra Edwards, Newcastle University, UK;
5.Optimising pig welfare at the weaning and nursery stage: Nicole Kemper, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany;
6.Optimizing pig welfare in the growing and finishing stage: Arlene Garcia and John J. McGlone, Texas Tech University, USA;
7.Optimising pig welfare during transport, lairage and slaughter: Luigi Faucitano, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada; and Antonio Velarde, Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology, Spain;
Part 3 Current welfare issues
8.Evidence of pain in piglets subjected to invasive management procedures: Armelle Prunier and Céline Tallet, PEGASE, INRAE, Institut Agro, France; and Dale Sandercock, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), UK;
9.Alternatives to castration of pigs: Emma Fàbrega, IRTA, Spain;
10.Understanding and preventing tail biting in pigs: Sandra Edwards, Newcastle University, UK; and Anna Valros, University of Helsinki, Finland;
11.The role of enrichment in optimizing pig behaviour and welfare: Sandra Düpjan and Liza R. Moscovice, Institute of Behavioural Physiology – Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology Dummerstorf, Germany; and Birger Puppe, Institute of Behavioural Physiology – Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology Dummerstorf and University of Rostock, Germany;
Part 4 Assessment of welfare states
12.Physiological and behavioral responses to disease in pigs: M. D. Pairis-Garcia and B. K. Wagner, North Carolina State University, USA;
13.Assessing emotions in pigs: determining negative and positive mental states: Eimear Murphy, Luca Melotti and Michael Mendl, Bristol Veterinary School, University of Bristol, UK;
14.Welfare assessment of pigs: Björn Forkman, University of Copenhagen, Denmark;
15.Advances in technologies for monitoring pig welfare: Maciej Oczak, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria; Kristina Maschat, FFoQSI GmbH, Austria; and Johannes Baumgartner, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria;