Table of Contents1. Global patterns of cereal diseases and the impacts of breeding for host plant resistance : Serge Savary and Laetitia Willocquet, Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE), France
2. Advances in understanding the biology and epidemiology of rust diseases of cereals : Vanessa Bueno-Sancho, Clare M. Lewis and Diane G. O. Saunders, John Innes Centre, UK
3. Advances in identifying stripe rust resistance genes in cereals : Tianheng Ren, Zhi Li, Feiquan Tan, Cheng Jiang and Peigao Luo, Sichuan Agricultural University, China
4. Advances in understanding the epidemiology of Fusarium in cereals : Stephen Wegulo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
5. Cereal-Fusarium interactions: Improved fundamental insights into Fusarium pathogenomics and cereal host resistance reveals new ways to achieve durable disease control : Claire Kanja, Ana K. Machado Wood, Laura Baggaley, Catherine Walker and Kim E. Hammond-Kosack, Rothamsted Research, UK
6. Advances in genetic improvement of durable resistance to Fusarium head blight in wheat : Guihua Bai, USDA-ARS, USA
7. Advances in understanding the epidemiology of Septoria tritici blotch in cereals : Stephen B. Goodwin, USDA-ARS, USA
8. Understanding plant-pathogen interactions in Septoria tritici blotch infection of cereals : Y. Petit-Houdenot and M.-H. Lebrun, UMR Bioger, Université Paris Saclay, INRAE, AgroParistech, France; and G. Scalliet, Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland
9. Advances in breeding techniques for durable Septoria tritici blotch (STB) resistance in cereals : Harsh Raman, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Australia
10. Understanding the plant-pathogen interaction associated with Septoria nodorum blotch of wheat : Gayan K. Kariyawasam, North Dakota State University, USA; and Timothy L. Friesen, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS, USA
11. Advances in genetic mapping of Septoria nodorum blotch resistance in wheat and applications in resistance breeding : Min Lin and Morten Lillemo, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
12. Advances in breeding techniques for durable resistance to spot blotch in cereals : Ramesh Chand, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, India; Sudhir Navathe, Agharkar Research Institute, India; and Sandeep Sharma, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, India
13. Advances in understanding the epidemiology, molecular biology and control of net blotch and the net blotch barley interaction : Anke Martin, Barsha Poudel and Buddhika Amarasinghe Dahanayaka, Centre for Crop Health, University of Southern Queensland, Australia; Mark S. McLean, Agriculture Victoria, Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Tourism and Resources, Australia; Lisle Snyman, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Australia; and Francisco J. Lopez-Ruiz, Centre for Crop and Disease Management, Curtin University, Australia
14. Understanding plant-pathogen interactions in net blotch infection of cereals : Karl M. Effertz, Shaun J. Clare, Sarah M. Harkins and Robert S. Brueggeman, Washington State University, USA
15. Breeding barley for durable resistance to net and spot forms of net blotch : Jerome D. Franckowiak, University of Minnesota, USA; and Gregory J. Platz, Hermitage Research Facility, Agri-Science Queensland, Australia
16. Tan spot disease under the lenses of plant pathologists : Reem Aboukhaddour and Mohamed Hafez, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada; Stephen E. Strelkov, University of Alberta, Canada; and Myriam R. Fernandez, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada
17. Towards an early warning system for wheat blast: epidemiological basis and model development : J. M. Fernandes, Embrapa Trigo, Brazil; E. M. Del Ponte and J. P. Ascari, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil; T. J. Krupnik, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Bangladesh; W. Pavan*, Universidade de Passo Fundo and SensorOn – Estrada do Trigo, Brazil; F. Vargas, SensorOn – Estrada do Trigo, Brazil; and T. Berton, Universidade de Passo Fundo, Brazil
18. Investigating the biology of rice blast disease and prospects for durable resistance : Vincent M. Were and Nicholas J. Talbot, The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of East Anglia, UK
19. Ramularia leaf spot in barley : Neil Havis, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), UK
20. Advances in understanding the biology and epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) : Douglas Lau, Embrapa Trigo, Brazil; Talita Bernardon Mar, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Fellow (CNPq) (Embrapa-CNPq), Brazil; Carlos Diego Ribeiro dos Santos, Postgraduate Program in Plant Science, Faculty of Agronomy, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil; Eduardo Engel, Postgraduate Program in Entomology, University of São Paulo, Brazil; and Paulo Roberto do Valle da Silva Pereira, Embrapa Florestas, Brazil
21. Resistance breeding in barley against Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV): avoiding negative impacts on anatomy and physiology : Torsten Will, Frank Ordon and Dragan Perovic, Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Germany
22. Key challenges in breeding durable disease-resistant cereals: North America : Christina Cowger, USDA-ARS, USA
23. Achievements in breeding cereals with durable disease resistance in Northwest Europe : James K. M. Brown, John Innes Centre, UK
24. Key challenges in breeding durable disease-resistant cereals: North Africa and West Asia : Sarrah Ben M’Barek, Regional Field Crops Research Center of Béja and CRP Wheat Septoria Phenotyping Platform, Tunisia; and Seyed Mahmoud Tabib Ghaffary, Safiabad Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center (AREEO), Iran