Table of ContentsPart 1 Plant physiology and breeding
1.Diversity and genome evolution in coffee: Philippe Lashermes and Marie-Christine Combes, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France;
2.Coffee tree growth and environmental acclimation: Fabio M. DaMatta, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil;
3.Environmental and genetic effects on coffee seed biochemical composition and quality: Thierry Joët and Stéphane Dussert, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France;
4.Ensuring the genetic diversity of coffee: Sarada Krishnan, Denver Botanic Gardens, USA;
5.Developing varieties of Arabica coffee: Herbert A. M. van der Vossen, Coffee Breeding Consultant, The Netherlands;
6.Developing varieties of Robusta coffee: N. Surya Prakash, Central Coffee Research Institute, India;
7.Developments in molecular breeding techniques in Robusta coffee: Alan Carvalho Andrade, Embrapa Café/Inovacafé, Brazil;
8.Breeding caffeine-free coffee beans: Chifumi Nagai, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, USA; and Jean-Jacques Rakotomalala, Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural, Madagascar;
9.Disseminating improved coffee varieties for sustainable production: Charles Lambot and Juan Carlos Herrera, Nestlé R&D Center, France;
Part 2 Quality traits
10.Chemical composition of coffee beans: an overview: Michael N. Clifford, University of Surrey, UK; Iziar A. Ludwig, Universitat de Lleida, Spain; Alan Crozier, University of California, Davis, USA;
11.Bioactive compounds in coffee beans with beneficial health properties: Ningjian Liang, Kaiwen Mu and David Kitts, University of British Columbia, Canada;
12.Beneficial compounds from coffee leaves: Claudine Campa, UMR IPME, France; Arnaud Petitvallet, Wize Monkey, Canada;
13.Nutritional and health effects of coffee: Adriana Farah, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
14.Advances in research on coffee flavour compounds: Roberto Buffo, National University of Tucumán, Argentina;
15.Harmful compounds in coffee: Noel Durand, CIRAD, France and Angélique Fontana, University of Montpellier, France;
16.Flavour as the common thread for coffee quality along the value chain: Mario R. Fernández-Alduenda, Coffee Quality Institute, USA;
17.Metabolomics as a powerful tool for coffee authentication: Sastia P. Putri and Eiichiro Fukusaki, Osaka University, Japan;
18.Life cycle analysis and the carbon footprint of coffee value chains: Louis Bockel and Laure-Sophie Schiettecatte, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Italy;