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Achieving sustainable cultivation of sorghum Volume 1: Genetics, breeding and production techniques

Code: 9781786761200
Edited by Prof. William Rooney, Texas A&M University, USA

Sorghum is one of the world’s major cereals, cultivated in the semi-arid tropics for a growing range of uses. Like other crops it faces the need to meet rising demand whilst reducing its environmental impact and adapting to the challenges of climate change. This volume summarises the wealth of research addressing these challenges.

Part 1 explores the genetic diversity and genomics of sorghum. This provides the foundation for Part 2 which reviews advances in conventional and marker-assisted breeding and their use to develop high-yielding and stress-resistant varieties. The final part of the book discusses ways of improving cultivation to make the most of new varieties, from nutrient and water management to better control of diseases, insects and weeds.

With its distinguished editor and international team of expert authors, this will be a standard work for cereal scientists, sorghum breeders and growers as well as government and non-government agencies supporting sorghum cultivation. It is accompanied by a companion volume which reviews the range of uses of sorghum and cultivation in different regions.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive coverage of the latest research on the genetic diversity of sorghum
  • Reviews key developments in breeding, from conventional to marker-assisted techniques, as well their application in developing higher-yielding, more stress-resistant varieties
  • Discusses key elements in integrated crop, pest and weed management
Table of Contents

Part 1 Sorghum the crop species
1.Classifying the genetic diversity of sorghum: a revised classification of sorghum: J. A. Dahlberg, Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center – University of California, USA; and D. T. Rosenow, formerly Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, USA;
2.The comparative and evolutionary genomics of sorghum: Elizabeth A. Cooper and Stephen Kresovich, Clemson University, USA;
3.Ensuring the genetic diversity of sorghum: Hari D. Upadhyaya and Mani Vetriventhan, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India;

Part 2 Sorghum improvement techniques
4.The principles and processes of sorghum breeding: Cleve D. Franks, DuPont Pioneer, USA;
5.Advanced technologies to accelerate sorghum breeding: Joseph E. Knoll, USDA-ARS, USA;
6.Harnessing genetic and genomic resources to transform the production and productivity of sorghum: Tesfaye T. Tesso, Dereje D. Gobena, Dechassa O. Duressa, Kraig Roozeboom and Krishna Jagadish, Kansas State University, USA; Ramasamy Perumal, Agricultural Research Center – Hays, Kansas State University, USA; and Desalegn D. Serba and Dilooshi Weerasooriya, Kansas State University, USA;
7.Sorghum breeding for biotic stress tolerance: Ramasamy Perumal, Agricultural Research Center – Hays, Kansas State University, USA; Clint W. Magill, Texas A&M University, USA; Gary C. Peterson, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, USA; Louis K. Prom, USDA-ARS, USA; and Elfadil M. Bashir, Tesfaye T. Tesso, Desalegn D. Serba and Christopher R. Little, Kansas State University, USA;
8.Sorghum breeding for abiotic stress tolerance: John J. Burke, USDA-ARS, USA;
9.Sorghum tolerance to low phosphorus soil conditions: Willmar L. Leiser, University of Hohenheim, Germany; H. Frederick Weltzien-Rattunde and Eva Weltzien-Rattunde, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; and Bettina I.G. Haussmann, University of Hohenheim, Germany;
10.Advanced testing, multiplication and release of new sorghum varieties: Roger L. Monk, formerly DuPont Pioneer, USA;

Part 3 Sorghum production techniques
11.Crop management practices for grain sorghum: an overview: M. Djanaguiraman, P. V. V.Prasad and I. A. Ciampitti, Kansas State University, USA;
12.Improving soil and crop nutrition management in sorghum cultivation: David Mengel, Kansas State University, USA;
13.Improving water management in sorghum cultivation: Jourdan Bell, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, USA; Robert C. Schwartz, USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Research Laboratory, USA; Kevin McInnes, Texas A&M University, USA; Qingwu Xue and Dana Porter, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, USA;
14.Insect pests and their management in sorghum cultivation: Bonnie B. Pendleton, West Texas A&M University, USA;
15.Sorghum diseases and their management in cultivation: seedling, seed, panicle and foliar diseases: C. R. Little and A. Y. Bandara, Kansas State University, USA and R. Perumal, Agricultural Research Center – Hays, Kansas State University, USA;
16.Sorghum diseases and their management in cultivation: stalk, root and other diseases: C. R. Little, A. Y. Bandara and T. C. Todd, Kansas State University, USA; and R. Perumal, Agricultural Research Center – Hays, Kansas State University USA
17.Weed management in sorghum cultivation: M. Bagavathiannan, Texas A&M University, USA; W. Everman, North Carolina State University, USA; P. Govindasamy, Texas A&M University, USA; A. Dille and M. Jugulam, Kansas State University, USA; and J. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas, USA;
18.Post-harvest management of sorghum: B. Tran and R. Hodges, Natural Resources Institute – University of Greenwich, UK;