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Achieving sustainable cultivation of barley

Code: 9781786763082
Edited by: Glen Fox, University of California-Davis, USA and The University of Queensland, Australia; and Chengdao Li, Murdoch University, Australia

This collection reviews advances in research on improving barley cultivation across the value chain. Part 1 reviews advances in understanding barley physiology in such areas as plant growth, grain development and plant response to abiotic stress.

Chapters also review current developments in exploiting genetic diversity and mapping the barley genome. Building on this foundation, the second part of the book summarises advances in breeding with chapters on breeding trial design as well as advances in molecular breeding techniques such as genome wide association studies (GWAS) and targeted induced lesions in genomes (TILLING). Part 3 looks further along the value chain at ways of optimising cultivation practices. There are chapters on post-harvest storage as well as fungal diseases, weeds and integrated methods for their management. The final part of the book assesses current developments in optimising barley for particular end uses such as malting, brewing and animal feed as well as current research on the nutraceutical properties of barley.

Key Features

  • Strong focus on advances in understanding barley physiology which inform decisions about breeding and cultivation
  • Detailed coverage of molecular breeding techniques such as genome wide association studies (GWAS) and targeted induced lesions in genomes (TILLING)
  • Covers latest research on optimising barley for particular end uses such as malting, brewing and animal feed
Table of Contents

Part 1 Plant physiology and genetics
1.Advances in understanding of barley plant physiology: plant development and architecture: Andrea Visioni, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Morocco;
2.Advances in understanding barley plant physiology: responses to abiotic stress: Alessandro Tondelli, Cristina Crosatti, Stefano Delbono and Luigi Cattivelli, CREA Research Centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics, Italy;
3.Advances in the understanding of barley plant physiology: factors determining grain development, composition and chemistry: Ljudmilla Borisjuk, Hardy Rolletschek and Volodymyr Radchuk, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Germany;
4.Exploring barley germplasm for yield improvement under sulphur limiting environments: Tefera Tolera Angessa, Murdoch University, Australia; Kefei Chen, Curtin University, Australia; David Farleigh, Jenifer Bussanich and Lee-Anne McFawn, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development-Western Australia, Australia; Kevin Whitfield, CSBP Limited, Australia; Brendon Weir, Mullewa, Australia; Steve Cosh, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development-Western Australia, Australia; Achalu Chimdi, Gudeta Nepir Gurmu and Tadesse Kenea Amentae, Ambo University, Ethiopia; and Chengdao Li, Murdoch University, Australia;
5.Mapping and exploiting the barley genome: techniques for mapping genes and relating them to desirable traits: Hélène Pidon and Nils Stein, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Germany;

Part 2 Advances in breeding
6.Advanced designs for barley breeding experiments: Alison Kelly, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), The University of Queensland, Australia; and Clayton Forknall, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Australia;
7.Advances in molecular breeding techniques for barley: genome-wide association studies (GWAS): W. T. B. Thomas, James Hutton Institute, UK;
8.Advances in molecular breeding techniques for barley: targeted induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING): Serena Rosignoli and Silvio Salvi, University of Bologna, Italy;

Part 3 Cultivation techniques, pest and disease management
9.Advances in postharvest storage and handling of barley: methods to prevent or reduce mycotoxin contamination: Zhao Jin and Paul Schwarz, North Dakota State University, USA;
10.Fungal diseases affecting barley: Robert S. Brueggeman, Shyam Solanki, Gazala Ameen and Karl Effertz, Washington State University, USA; Roshan Sharma Poudel, North Dakota State University, USA; and Aziz Karakaya, Ankara University, Turkey;
11.Integrated disease management of barley: Adrian C. Newton, James Hutton Institute and SRUC, UK; and Henry E. Creissen, Neil D. Havis, and Fiona J. Burnett, SRUC, UK;
12.Integrated weed management in barley cultivation: Michael Widderick, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Australia;

Part 4 Quality
13.Developing barley crops for improved malt quality: Glen Fox, University of California–Davis, USA and The University of Queensland, Australia; and Reg Lance, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Australia;
14.Developing barley crops for improved brewing quality: Søren Knudsen, Finn Lok and Ilka Braumann, Carlsberg Research Laboratory, Denmark;
15.Optimising the use of barley as an animal feed: David M. E. Poulsen, Queensland University of Technology, Australia;
16.Nutritional and bioactive compounds in barley: Nancy Ames, Joanne Storsley, Lovemore Malunga and Sijo Joseph Thandapilly, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada;