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The role of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in preserving crop genetic diversity

Code: 9781801461238
Åsmund Asdal, Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen), Sweden

Chapter synopsis: Genetic material in individual genebanks is potentially vulnerable to being lost (e.g. through conflict or a natural disaster). One important and simple security measure is to ensure that samples of these valuable genetic materials are conserved in more than one place. In this context, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault offers a free of charge service to store duplicate samples of seeds that are conserved in gene banks world-wide. This chapter provides an overview of this facility in Svalbard and describes its operations as well as its functions and status.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2020.0085.21
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Storing seeds in the Arctic: establishing the Svalbard Global Seed Vault 3 The Seed Vault in a global context 4 The Seed Vault facility and its operation 5 Case study: the ICARDA withdrawal and re-deposit programme 6 Where to look for further information 7 References

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