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Key issues in the welfare of dairy cattle

Code: 9781838791599
Jan Hultgren, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Chapter synopsis: Concerns about dairy cattle welfare are widespread. Cattle welfare is influenced by various circumstances and conditions, which are related to and dependent on each other. Confinement, restricted movements, high milk yield, disrupted social structures, painful and frightening management procedures, unilateral breeding, diseases, transport, slaughter and poor stockmanship are main welfare issues. This chapter identifies some areas that require further research and remedial action. Production transparency and marketing fairness are essential to limit the risk for ethical conflicts. Transparency, quality assurance and fair labelling of milk products should be used as a means to inform consumers and enhance animal welfare, and this chapter looks into these factors.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0006.02
Table of contents 1 Introduction: an overview of interest in and determinants of animal welfare in dairy farming 2 Husbandry practices in dairy farming: housing, handling and farming procedures 3 Husbandry practices in dairy farming: health, productivity and breeding 4 Applying different perspectives on animal welfare to the case of dairy farming 5 Recommendations for improving animal welfare in dairy farming in the light of expected future developments 6 Summary 7 Where to look for further information 8 Acknowledgements 9 References

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