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Fungal diseases affecting oil palm

Code: 9781838794712
Tan Joon Sheong, Lee Yang Ping and Sharifah Shahrul Rabiah Syed Alwee, FELDA Global Ventures Research and Development, Malaysia; Létizia Camus-Kulandaivelu, Maxime Mercière, Alba Zaremski and Frédéric Breton, CIRAD, France; and Christophe Klopp, INRA, France

Chapter synopsis: Oil palm is prone to attack by a number of fungal diseases such as basal stem rot (BSR), Fusarium wilt (vascular wilt) and bud rot disease. To date, only partial resistance materials have been identified for BSR. This chapter provides further insights on the BSR that is a major problem for plantations, particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia. The chapter focuses particularly on one variety of BSR, Ganoderma boninense, but also addresses Fusarium wilt and bud rot disease, examining the latest research on resistance materials.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0018.13
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 BSR caused by Ganoderma boninense 3 Cellulolytic degradation as a possible mode of infection 4 Laccase gene discoveries 5 Developing partial resistance planting material against BSR 6 Fusarium wilt 7 Spear rot or bud rot 8 Future trends and conclusion 9 Where to look for further information 10 Acknowledgements 11 References

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