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Food safety management on farms producing beef

Code: 9781838790240
Peter Paulsen, Frans J. M. Smulders and Friederike Hilbert, University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria

Chapter synopsis: The production of safe, high-quality beef requires both good farming practices and additional measures targeted against specific hazards to human or animal health. This chapter provides an overview of good farming practices for beef cattle farms, with particular discussion of biosecurity, animal welfare and the importance of clean cattle policies. Hazard-specific control measures are then presented for one important hazard: E. Coli O157. Finally, existing quality assurance programmes for beef production are briefly reviewed.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0008.07
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Good farming practices and biosecurity for beef cattle farms 3 Animal handling and animal welfare 4 Clean cattle policy 5 From GFP to pre-harvest food safety management: the case of E. coli O157 6 Quality assurance programmes for beef production 7 Summary 8 Future trends in research 9 Where to look for further information 10 References

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