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Factors affecting the reproductive efficiency of boars

Code: 9781838795269
M. L. W. J. Broekhuijse, Topigs Norsvin Research Center B.V., The Netherlands

Chapter synopsis: Efficient artificial insemination (AI) is essential for future challenges in the pig industry. Core business for AI companies worldwide is diluting semen from high fertile breeding boars, and by that inseminating many sows. Efficient use of AI boars with high genetic merit is important to maximise dissemination of the genetic progress made in the breeding nucleus. An overview of factors affecting the reproductive efficiency of boars is presented. Boar semen is the most important carrier of genetic progress.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0013.30
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Monitoring pig fertility 3 Considerations when producing AI doses 4 Tools for AI laboratories: semen quality assessment 5 Conclusion 6 References

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