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Advances in understanding and improving the role of amino acids in poultry nutrition

Code: 9781838792091
William A. Dozier III, Auburn University, USA; and Paul B. Tillman, Poultry Technical Nutrition Services, USA

Chapter synopsis: Dietary amino acids are central to optimizing growth performance, meat yield, and egg production of poultry. This chapter addresses amino acid digestibility coefficients for feed ingredients, digestible amino acid requirements of poultry based on production efficiency, and the role of supplementation of crystalline amino acids on nitrogen balance and ammonia output of poultry. In addition, knowledge gaps in the scientific literature related to amino acid responses of poultry will be discussed.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0011.07
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 History of crystalline amino acids 3 Amino acid digestibility of feed ingredients 4 Digestible amino acid requirements/ratios 5 Nitrogen balance 6 Summary 7 Where to look for further information 8 References

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