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Achievements in breeding cereals with durable disease resistance in Northwest Europe

Code: 9781801462501
James K. M. Brown, John Innes Centre, UK

Chapter synopsis: Breeding cereals in Northwest Europe for durable resistance has made an important contribution to control of almost all economically significant diseases and pests of wheat, barley and oats. Durable resistance to fungal diseases is largely polygenic and quantitative, with the important exception of mlo resistance to powdery mildew of spring barley. Resistance to powdery mildew of winter wheat, spring barley and spring oats, brown rust of winter barley and Septoria nodorum blotch of wheat has been especially effective and durable. Resistance to Barley yellow mosaic virus and orange wheat blossom midge has used single genes which have so far been durable. Plant breeders are increasingly producing varieties with high or moderate resistance to all the most important diseases, and have successfully combined durable resistance with other traits which are important to farmers and end-users, including high yield, marketable grain quality and desirable agronomic properties.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2021.0092.39

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Table of contents 1 Progress in breeding for effective, durable resistance 2 Sources of information about breeding for resistance 3 Release and recommendation of cereal varieties 4 Demand for disease resistance in cereals 5 Breeding elite cereal varieties with resistance to multiple diseases 6 Durable and non-durable resistance 7 Resistance to biotrophic fungal diseases 8 Resistance to non-biotrophic fungal diseases of wheat 9 Resistance to non-biotrophic fungal diseases of barley 10 Resistance to viral diseases 11 Resistance to insects 12 Mitigating trade-offs of disease resistance 13 Future threats 14 Acknowledgements 15 Where to look for further information 16 References

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